Chateau Peyredon Lagravette
Product details
Tasting note:
The wine presents a lovely intense purplish ruby colourwith dark tints. It has an amazingly complex nose with aromas of black fruit that are dominated by blackberry and raspberry. It has a pleasant grilled flavour, is very round and rich, and is remarkably balanced overall with elegant, mellow tannin. It has an equally appealing, long finish.
Winery introduction:
Everyone has his own history; the history of “Grands Vins de Gironde” is written by the entities of which it is made up. With great Bordeaux Houses such as De Luze, “Grands Vins de Gironde” has the advantage of over a hundred years of know-how that has made Bordeaux wines so successful. In line with changes in its business, the group has developed its range and increased its production to meet the needs of an international clientele. More than ever today, “Grands Vins de Gironde” takes its strength from the multi-cultured nature of its firms, which creates a magnificent breeding-ground for skill and knowledge.
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Trụ sở: 781 Hồng Hà, Chương Dương Độ, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội - 1900 636 749 - (+84-24)38 262 076
GPKD: Số 0100598866
Cấp ngày: 28/11/1995 Do sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư TP. Hà Nội cấp phép
Giấy phép phân phối rượu: Số 429/GP-BCT do Bộ Công Thương cấp ngày 21/08/2023
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