"Sweet wine, sweet home" wine photo contest

Do you believe "The shortest way to one's heart is through the stomach"?
It's great that we gather with our beloved ones, enjoy meals with them and share with them everything in life. WeWine believe that with a sip of wine, you can open your hearts easier.
On the occasion of the coming Family Day (June 28), WeWine would like to introduce the contest "Sweet wine, sweet home" to all wine lovers.
Don't hesitate to share your food and wine pairing moments.
Step 1: Choose a photo/video of a meal with wines at home.
Step 2: Write some words describing how you feel about the meal, the pairing and hashtag #WeWineContest #Cơm_ngon_Vang_ngọt #WeWineVietnam
Step 3: Post under the Comment section of the Official post on Fanpage OR share as a status on your personal Facebook in public mode.
Scoring is based on the total amount of Reaction Like - haha - love - ... on the entry. Each Emotion is 1 point.
ENTRY DEADLINE: 0 AM June 16, 2021 – 5:00 PM July 7, 2021
We will close the contest at 17h 07/07/2021 and judge the prize.
Results will be announced on WeWine Vietnam fanpage at 8:00 PM July 9, 2021.
- About the content: Entries are written in Vietnamese or English.
- About image
- Images or videos must be clear, especially show that you use wines in the meal.
- For products not purchased from WeWine or distributed by Da Loc, you must cover the front label/brand of the product.
- The presence of your family/friends who enjoy the meal with you is a plus.
- The meal can be cooked at home or order, Vietnamese dishes or foreign dishes are accepted.
- Do not use offensive images or violate Vietnamese customs and traditions.

1. Prizes for Customers:
- 01 First Prize: 1 bottle of Chateau de Sales 2015 worth 2,500,000vnd - for the entry with the most points.
- 02 Second Prizes: Each prize is 1 bottle of Casablanca Neblus 2014 worth 2,000,000vnd - for the entry with the 2nd and 3rd most points.
- 05 Third Prizes: Each prize is a Voucher to buy Wines at WeWine stores worth 500,000vnd - selected by Organizers (beautiful pictures, meaningful content).
2. Prizes for DaLoc - WeWine staff:
3 Prizes: each prize is a bottle of Petaluma wine (for 3 staff who join the contest and gain the most points).
- Who can join: Everyone who is older than 18 and is living in Vietnam.
- Contestants are fully responsible for the copyright of the entry (do not take other people's contents or images/videos).
- Organizer has the right to use the entries to promote the contest or re-use with the WeWine Logo on them.
- Each person can enter multiple entries but with different meals and different bottles of wine.
- Entries with signs of cheating will be disqualified.
- Final decisions belong to Organizers.
- Winners will be awarded with the prizes at the WeWine store within 30 days from the date of announcement of the results on WeWine Fanpage.
- For winners living in a province/city that does not have a WeWine store, WeWine will deliver the prizes to you.
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