Opus One 2019 0.750L

Product details
Tasting note:
The Opus One 2019 has intense aromas of black plum, blueberry, black currant, and dried rose petals, accentuated by mineral undertones. The creamy, satiny texture is framed by fine-grained tannins. The freshness and soft glow of acidity create a subtle tension with dark fruit flavors, savory herbs, espresso, and cocoa. A delicate dark chocolate bitterness lingers on the finishAbundant spring rains, nearly double the annual average, saturated the soil and provided ample water for the growing season. The first signs of budbreak were observed in the vineyard on March 27th; a full 15 days later than usual. This delay led to later bloom and veraison. However, warmer temperatures toward the end of summer accelerated the fruit’s development and maturity. Picking began on September 10th, a couple of days earlier than average. Harvest lasted four weeks, and activity in the cellar proceeded at a calm and steady pace.
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