Delord VSOP Ariane Gift Box

Product details
Tasting Note
Aspect: Golden and shiny Armagnac.
Nose: Prunes, vanilla and fresh grapes hints.
Mouth: Rough start, then appear quince, prunes and tannin hints. In the end, it is round, soft, slight vanilla taste.
Distillery Introduction
The Armagnac Delord story started in 1893. Prosper Delord, travelling distiller and cellar master took his alambic from farm to farm, transforming white wine into Armagnac. Our cellars hold more than 1000 barrels and a dozen oak tuns that mature and protect tour Armaganc eaux-de-vie dating from 20th century to this day. Hand written labels, hand dipped bottle neck and wax stamp are the trade mark of Delord Armagnac around the world.
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Trụ sở: 781 Hồng Hà, Chương Dương Độ, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội - 1900 636 749 - (+84-24)38 262 076
GPKD: Số 0100598866
Cấp ngày: 28/11/1995 Do sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư TP. Hà Nội cấp phép
Giấy phép phân phối rượu: Số 429/GP-BCT do Bộ Công Thương cấp ngày 21/08/2023
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